

Don't buy. Just rent

Earn money. Save the envrionment. Rent to others makes lending and borrowing items easier. Monetize your unused items and help your community reduce waste by renting out your items.

Why Is It Special

Easy to use

A seamless experience that connects lenders and borrowers

It’s not selling, but lending

Make money, you've got nothing to lose

It’s not buying, but borrowing

Use what you need for the time you need it

Awesome Features

Seamless Experience

You can post, view items, be reminded and message with others users. All in one app.

Fast and Simple

You can easily view other items that users have posted on the home screen.

Direct Message

Anonymous real time messaging to negotiate a deal on items


Keep track of the items that you have rented out and borrowed so you can take control of your items.

Submit posts

Submitting a new item post is easy with a simple click to the camera.


Know who you are lending to and borrowing from

App Screenshots

What are you waiting for?

Help your community by starting now

Our Team

Quan Nguyen


Allen Cho


Brandon Chen


Sam Zeng

Project Manager